
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who knew the CMA's are so good?

I spent part of yesterday grumpy that a new episode of Revenge wouldn't be on ABC because of the Country Music Awards.  I mean, who watches that anyway?  Well, apparently I do.  They were awesome!  I didn't consider myself a country music fan before last night and now I do.  It's not that I hated on country music, I just didn't think about it too much.  Other awards shows should take lessons from the CMA's.  It was basically a night of performances with a few awards snuck in  and there with the shortest acceptance speeches I can ever recall seeing on an awards show.  Music is one of the many great forms of storytelling, and country music does a great job.  The songs performed were not my dad got drunk, lost his job, the dog died and mom left kind of songs.  They were songs telling stories of love, healing and celebrating life.  Really it was a night of love.  Listening to the songs brought me back to being a teenager, having those crushes that at the time I thought would lead to love, and more than anything made me want to pop open a cold beer and hang out on the river laughing with friends. Next thing I know on my feet rockin out and then minutes I was curled up crying to Martina McBride's I'm Gonna Love You Through It.  (Hmmm, maybe I am hormonal).  This was my first time hearing this song.  Have you heard it? Get your box of tissues ready. 

  Holy tear-jerker.  Seriously.  Once again, I found myself inspired, and grateful for artists and there ability to tell a story in a way that moves us.  The power of stories bring unite us and make an impact on the world like nothing else.  I wasn't expecting to get so sappy folks.  
Lionel Richie also performed.  How come I didn't know he was a country singer?  I did know him as a singer, not just Nicole Richie's (a fellow adoptee) dad.  
Anyways, country music will now start making it into the MIC music playlist.  


  1. I didn't know Richie did country music

  2. I love the CMAs!!! My husband has sole control of the remote though and he is no country fan (although apparently he pretended to like it all through our dating and first 5 years of marriage.) So, I never get to watch them anymore. Boooooo!

  3. I think that country music has transitioned over the years to include a wide variety of sounds, and I have never claimed to be a fan. But I probably am.
