I am once again having trouble controlling my mouth. When people ask what has been going on or how am I doing I actually tell them the truth instead of giving a simple "Oh not too much" answer they are expecting. The truth takes them by surprise.
"My mom married my grandfather. Its legal and everything. I was adopted as a baby. So technically it is the woman who adopted me marrying the man whose daughter gave birth to me. It really isn't gross if you think about it."
Exactly how am I expecting people to react to this? I laugh loudly each time I say it, especially when people react super serious. I am noticing my laughter makes people even more uncomfortable. What is possessing me to do this? I was on a conference call with someone half way across the country who I have only met once in person. I found it necessary to tell her exactly what is going on with me. As the words start coming out of my mouth I realize how ridiculous I sound as a thirty year old woman telling this story, but there is no turning back now. This is something I've struggled with throughout my life, but am finding increasingly problematic as I age. When I was younger my age could be used as an excuse, but now I am turning into the crazy lady. My goal for the next day is to refrain from telling strangers and acquaintances my personal stories. Think I will be able to do it? Yeah, me neither.
Yeah, its one of those things that would definitely be hard to keep in.
ReplyDeleteI am curious though, how that comes up as a topic of conversation? Is it mainly due to the wedding?